Wetherby Chamber of Trade and Commerce was formed in 1961 with the aim of supporting and promoting trade of all types in the area of the old Wetherby Rural District Council; Wetherby, Boston Spa, Clifford, Bramham, Thorp Arch, Collingham, Bardsey and East Keswick.
On 21st April 2005 it was incorporated as a company limited by guarantee under the name, “Wetherby Business Association”. Anyone with a business in the Wetherby area can apply to be a member of the Association. The current annual subscription is £75 per business.
Wetherby Business Association is the only local organisation that looks after business interests in the Wetherby area.
We do this by devising and supporting initiatives of benefit to businesses, such as shoppers’ car parks, (in town and the Wilderness area by the river), the lorry ban and speaking out, often in planning enquiries, against developments which would cause harm to local independents such as out of town, retailing and supermarkets.
We can achieve this because, over the past 40 years, we have built up an excellent relationship with Wetherby Town Council and Leeds City Council.

We are also uniquely placed to offer specialist services such as advice on rating appeals, planning permissions, traffic restrictions, signage, awnings and blinds and how to avoid the many scammers who attempt to defraud businesses nowadays.
We promote trade locally through this website and our social media channels to draw attention to the shopping and business opportunities which the Wetherby area can offer.
The Association is very much a part of the local community.
We support and indeed helped form local organisations such as Wetherby Xmas Lights Switch On Event, Wetherby Community Bonfire Night, Wetherby Arts Festival, Wetherby Christmas Carols Event, Wetherby Twinning Association, Wetherby Weir Preservation Trust and have close links with Wetherby and District Rotary Club and many Local Charities.
Ready to join us?
If you’re ready to join the list of business owners who enjoy the benefits of belonging to an association who care about its members, please click below.

How have we helped the local business community?
Don’t forget to follow us on social media and continue to promote the work of the Association to fellow business people. The more members we have, the more influence we have!